A |
search area |
A/c |
aircraft |
Aback |
Said of a sail when, with its clew to winward, is pressed back towards the mast. It may happen due to a sudden change of wind. |
aback |
Wind on the wrong side of the sails. |
Toward the rear (stern) of the boat. Behind. |
Abaft |
Toward the rear of the boat, behind the boat. |
Abeam |
At right angles to the center of the boat |
Able bodied seamen |
A member of the deck crew who is able to perform all the duties of an experienced seamen; certificated by examination; must have three years sea service. Also called Able Seamen and A.B |
Stand watch, during which they steer the vessel, stand lookout, assist the mate on watch and make rounds of the ship to insure that all is in order. They also tie up and untie the vessel to and from the dock and maintain the equipment on deck. |
Aboard |
On or within the boat |
Above deck |
On the deck (not over it - see ALOFT) |
Above Deck: |
On the deck. |
Abreast |
ff the side, even with the boat. |
Abs |
American Bureau of Shipping: A U.S.-based private classification, or standards setting society for merchant ships and other marine systems |
American Bureau of Shipping (classification society) |
Abutment: |
A wall that touches at one side as a low wall at the edge of a bridge. |
Abyss: |
That volume of ocean lying below 300 fathoms from surface. |
Aco |
aircraft coordinator A person who co-ordinates the involvement of multiple aircraft in SAR operations. |
admiralty law |
the "law of the sea." |
Adrift |
Loose, not on moorings or towline |
Aframax |
tanker < 80,000 dwt (average freight rate assessment) |
Toward the stern of the boat. |
Aft(Or after.) |
Near, toward or at the stern of a ship |
Aft, After |
Toward the stern (rear) of the boat. |
Aftercabin |
In a ship with multiple cabins, the cabin closest to the stern |
Aftermast |
In a sailing ship carrying multiple masts, the mast set closest to the stern. Also called the mizzenmast in a three- masted sailing vessel |
Aftermost |
The farthest aft |
Against the Sun: |
Anti-clockwise circular motion. Left-handed ropes are coiled down in this way. |
Agency fee |
A fee charged to the ship by the ship's agent, representing payment for services while the ship was in port. Sometimes called attendance fee |
Aground |
When a boat is in water too shallow for it to float in, i.e: the boat’s bottom is resting on the ground. |
Ahead |
In a forward direction |
Ahull |
A boat lies ahull when it is drifting with no sails set |
Aid to navigation |
Any fixed object that a navigator may use to find his position, such as permanent land or sea markers, buoys, radio beacons, and lighthouses. |
Aims |
American Institute of Merchant Shipping |
Air Draft: |
This is the height of a vessel above the water level; including any cargo or mast's. (See also Draft & Bridge hole) |
automatic identification system |
Alee |
The side away from the direction of the wind |
All Hands |
The entire crew |
Alluvium: |
Deposits of mud and sand. |
Above the deck of the boat. |
Alongside: |
Close beside a ship, wharf or jetty. |
Altar: |
Step in a dry dock, on which lower ends of shores rest. |
Am |
amplitude modulation |
Amass |
The outboard hulls of a trimaran. |
Amidships |
In the center of the boat. |
Associate Member of The Nautical Institute |
Amok: |
Homicidal frenzy that sometimes affects Malayans and other eastern peoples. |
US Coast Guard's Automated Mutual-Assistance Vessel Rescue System |
Anchor |
A heavy metal implement used to secure a vessel by lowering in the water to the bottom |
Anchor |
1) A heavy metal object designed such that its weight and shape will help to hold a boat in its position when lowered to the sea bottom on a rode or chain. |
anchor chain |
A chain attached to the anchor. The chain acts partially as a weight to keep the anchor lying next to the ground so that it can dig in better. Chain is also not damaged as much as line when lying on rocks. The weight of the chain also helps to absorb changes in the boat's position due to waves. |
Anchor Ice: |
Ice, of any form, that is aground in the sea. |
anchor light |
A white light, usually on the masthead, visible from all directions, used when anchored. |
anchor locker |
A locker used to store the anchor rode and anchor. |
anchor roller |
Also called bow roller. A fitting with a small wheel that allows the anchor and chain to roll over when dropping or raising the anchor. Some anchor rollers also have a provision to store the anchor. |
anchor windlass |
A windlass used to assist when raising the anchor. |
Anchorage |
A place where a boat anchors, usually an established and marked area. |
Anemometer |
Instrument for measuring and indicating the speed of the wind |
Apeak: |
Said of anchor when cable is taut and vertical. |
American Petroleum Industry |
Apparent Wind |
The wind that flows over a moving boat |
Aqueduct: |
A bridge that carries a waterway over a road, railway, valley. |
Arch |
A curved architectural structure used to support suspended weight. In Great Lakes wooden shipbuilding, a wide iron- or steel-fastened strap down each side of a ship |
Arch board |
An arch-shaped nameboard fastened to the stern of a ship, displaying the vessel's name and home port |
Admiralty Raster Chart Service |
Automatic Radar Plotting Aids |
Articles of agreement |
The document containing all particulars relating to the terms of agreement between the Master of the vessel and the crew. Sometimes called ship's articles, shipping articles |
Aspect Ratio |
The ratio between the foot length and the luff length of a sail |
A-stay: |
Said of anchor cable when its line of lead approximates a continuation of line of fore stay. |
Astern |
In back of the boat, opposite of ahead |
Astern |
Behind the boat |
At sea |
In marine insurance this phrase applies to a ship which is free from its moorings and ready to sail |
Atc |
air traffic control |
Athwart ships: |
At right angles to the center line of the boat, across the boat from side to side. Also the term given to rowing boat seats. |
Athwart, Athwartships |
Lying along the ship’s width, at right angles to the vessel’s centerline. |
A-trip: |
Said of anchor immediately it is broken out of the ground. |
Ats |
air traffic services |
Automatic pilot |
An instrument designed to control automatically a vessel's steering gear so that she follows a pre-determined track through the water |
Autopilot |
Electro-mechanical steering device |
Auxiliary |
A second method of propelling a vessel. On a sailboat this could be an engine. |
Avast: |
Order to stop, or desist from, an action. |
Aweigh |
Describes an anchor raised from the seabed |